Reflections so far…


As I look back to the very beginning stages of making this summer partnership a dream come true, I realize that God spoke to me for the second time this year. This time he was pulling my heart strings to Thailand. I have been so blessed to find a family in Payap Church and a home in Chiang Mai. I certainly have not grown weary eating the delicious Thai food every day and am loving being surrounded by bright green mountains. Thai hospitality is the real deal and my biggest cultural take-away is Thai time. There is a noticeable lack of presence of clocks and time is not of the essence here. For the most part, there is no set and stone time for the start and end of events but people come and stay in the moment for as long as it lasts. This is most noticeable, and appreciated, during church service. The youth start by singing while people trickle in to the sanctuary and eventually Pastor Pong begins the service – which proceeds on its own accord and can end anywhere from 12 to 1 or later. Even better, everyone stays after for community time over lunch. Holding on to the present moment and making the most of the time you have with the people you’re with is a beautiful concept that isn’t as cherished in the fast-paced society of America. I have had the opportunity to really deepen relationships with my friends here and I could not be more grateful.

This summer we have gotten to know many different ministries and departments throughout Chiang Mai and we have witnessed the powerful fight here in Thailand. 1% of Thais are Christian, 96% are Buddhist. There are temples everywhere and Buddhist culture is deeply engrained into society. The numbers are intimidating but it has been the greatest inspiration to be surrounded by so many Christians doing God’s work in Thailand and hearing testimony after testimony of what God has done in their life. I had a few spiritual weaknesses coming into this summer – praying out loud and evangelism. But God knew what He was doing bringing me here because I couldn’t run away from it anymore. My faith is deeper, my heart for God stronger than ever, my comfort in sharing in the Lord’s Word has exponentially increased, and I have a newfound love for prayer both alone and with friends (many times a day!).

We are blessed beyond measure. God is doing incredible work here in Thailand but we aren’t done yet. He’s prepping us for the battle at home – in our hearts, with society, and against the atheist culture that predominates our lives. Sometimes it feels like I am in the 1% at home. So the work is never done. My dad’s life verse has been drilled into my sister and I’s heads over the years but has never been more clearly needed until this summer and right now:

1 Chronicles 28:20 “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, the Lord God, my God, is with you”.

Although our time in Thailand is close to the end (for now…), our work isn’t close to being over. The relationships we have made and the incredible wonders we have witnessed are all for His purpose and I hope that God will continue to use us as a tool for His Kingdom; that we may continue to build the Payap-Knox Partnership, and that we are His hands and feet at all times – doing His work.



As many of you know this is my second time visiting Chiang Mai, Thailand. Last year, I had the opportunity to volunteer with the English Fun Camp at Payap University and interact with Payap Church. It was then I fell in love with Thailand; who couldn’t resist the beautiful scenery, the hospitality of the people here, the loving nature of my sisters and brothers in Christ,  and most of all the way that God is constantly working in a country that is full of primarily Buddhist followers.

One thing I noticed last year and have witnessed even more this year is the strong faith of the believers I meet here. Everyday, Christian Thais wake up and decide love Christ, becoming that 1% that choose to proclaim their faith to others. This is not a right that Thais take for granted and I am in awe of their never ending faith in the Lord to spread Christianity across Thailand. This year being able to live this fight with my brothers and sisters in Christ has impacted the way I view sharing my faith with others, both abroad and when I return home to Kansas City.

Being given the opportunity to spend two months in my home away from home has been beyond amazing. I have experienced numerous of wonderful Thai traditions and seen beautiful scenery that God has made with His own hands. Chiang Mai sits in a valley surrounded by a beautiful mountain range; every morning there is a beautiful sunrise and a gorgeous sunset in the evening. But the part of this mission that will stick with me forever is the way the followers of Christ worship here in Thailand, without ceasing.

I will never be able to fully comprehend everything that God has done during my time in Thailand but I can express His overwhelming presence no matter how small the situation. One bible verse that has come to me over this mission is Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark worlds and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Christians in Thailand do not stop fighting the fight of faith every day, so why should we? I  pray that as Kelsey and I wrap up our time in Chiang Mai, that we are able to keep on fighting the fight of faith that is surrounding us.


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